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oxygena regenerans macchinari estetica benssere salute sport LPG storz

Oxygena Regenerans  was born as a separate subsidiary of the  Talamonti srl, an Italian company that has been at the service of entrepreneurs for over 30 years through the design and production of numerical control machines, CAD / CAM systems, robotics and vision systems.
The company has exported to over 60 countries and has an excellent working relationship with its customers, thanks also to efficient technical assistance.
The challenge launched by technological innovation will always be accepted in all its aspects by our company, with every new need we will respond with a new technology.
Oxygena Regenerans was therefore born from the passion, experience and skills acquired over many years dedicated to technological development.
After years of design, research and experimentation, we have placed on the market a system that responds to the need to provide pleasure and comfort.

Our first instruments, presented at Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna 2019, are: ANYMA  And  ALTEA .

ANYMA the technology of the future





The human body is a wonderful machine. All systems that govern vital functions are managed by an infinite number of chemical reactions. Our organism is ultimately regulated by chemistry, or rather, by biochemistry. Who manages, transports and infuses most of the substances useful for cellular metabolism is the blood system, together with the lymphatic system. The importance of blood perfusion is essential in order to have the right amount of useful substances in the body structures. The principle according to which Oxygena Regenerans works is precisely to increase blood perfusion in the treated parts, by means of a variable frequency vibration and negative pressure, carried out with a square mechanical wave.

lpg storz medical prodotti trattamenti dimagranti beneesere estetica cellulite lpg STORZ MEDICAL macchinario massaggi

This system leads to a greater perfusion in the musculoskeletal structure, creating a natural response of the body and an accelerated trigger of self-healing in many pathologies. The increase in blood perfusion generates an increase in nutrients in the affected areas, favoring the disposal of substances that at that moment poison the structure. This ensures that all cellular metabolisms find energy support for their functioning.


Oxygena Regenerans ANYMA  & ALTEA provide an oxygenating action  on the musculature,  resulting particularly suitable  to be used by sportsmen,  guarantee them maximum performance in training and competition.

They also allow for treatments  pre-race reactivants  and post-race anti-fatigue to ensure the  maximum performance  to the athlete.

The tissue adaptation following the square mechanical vibration generates further myotensive release with a strong perception of muscle and joint well-being, due to the lower tension to which the fibers are subjected with the treatment. The set of Oxygena Regenerans mechanisms creates an adaptation both on a biochemical and mechanical-structural level. The most common pathologies of the musculoskeletal system can be treated, both of myotensive origin and functional overload, or even of traumatic origin. By modulating times, power and frequency of administration, it is possible to carry out anti-fatigue sports treatments or aimed at performance. Oxygena Regenerans is a pleasant treatment to undergo, which immediately generates a renewed well-being

With quality and reliability we can also solve aesthetic problems both on the face and on the body, such as: water retention, cellulite, adipose panniculus, loss of tone, acne, wrinkles, dry and asphyxiated skin. Our instruments fight blemishes by neutralizing the root problem. They attract a lot of arterial blood in the treated area, creating a strong oxygenation, hydration and detoxification of the tissue. They favor the production of collagen and elastin by fibroblasts, carrying out a real cellular stretching.

lpg storz medical prodotti trattamenti dimagranti beneesere estetica cellulite lpg STORZ MEDICAL macchinario massaggi
Trattamento x sportivi allentare le tensioni e le contratture muscolari su tutto il corpo aumentare la potenza e l'elasticità muscolare  3) smaltire l'acido lattico  4) alleviare l'affaticamento muscolare effettuare una riattivazione muscolare pre-gara  effettuare un lavoro defaticante post gara

Through specific and targeted treatments we can:

1) relieve tension and muscle contractures all over the body

2) increase muscle power and elasticity

3) dispose of lactic acid

4) relieve muscle fatigue

5) perform a pre-competition muscle reactivation

6) carry out a post-race relaxing workout

By adding its oxygenating action to these treatments, every sportsman will finally be able to rewrite the book of their personal bests.

it is physiotherapy and rehabilitation


Oxygena Regenerans is not just about aesthetics. Through targeted protocols,  which are used after a careful medical history of our affiliated specialists, we can intervene in both physiotherapy and rehabilitation.


is an innovative and sophisticated technological device, integrated in a heated and electronically adjustable bed. The system is equipped with four handpieces and allows the treatment to be carried out with two operators at the same time. The integrated software allows two working modes: manual and automatic; in manual mode the function change can be performed via the pedal, so as to never have to interrupt contact with the customer. 

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Trattamenti estetici  Anti cellulite Dimagrimento pancia piatta Trattamenti sportivi  Fisioterapia Articolazioni Mal di schiena

Decontratturante  Trattamento mani piedi viso LPG endermologie Storzmedical Storz salute bellezza benessere oxygena regenerans Storz Medical Cellulite Hotel Horizon

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Beauty treatments  Anti cellulite Flat stomach slimming Sports treatments  Physiotherapy  Joints Back pain

Decontracting  LPG endermologie hand foot and face treatment  Storzmedical  Storz health beauty wellness oxygena regenerans  Storz Medical Cellulite Hotel Horizon

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